At Main office in Clinica Serralta you can find our Department of Administration and Communication.
Our Administration Department is responsible for managing, controlling and monitoring our work plan. For that purpose, this department acts as a link between different hospitals performing an excellent communication for a maximum coordination among our professionals. Besides, it is the department in charge of contacting different insurance companies of which Clinica Serralta is part.
We are aware that the growth of our clinic is due to word-of-mouth generated by the satisfaction of our patients. However, we have our Communication Department in charge of managing the presence of our brand image in the different means of communication transforming information into clear and direct messages in order to reach our patients and to get a good position.
Another function of this department is to protect and maintain our brand image and the personality of Clinica Serralta, the element that best defines and differentiates us from other clinics.
Main office
Embajador Vich 3 · 4ºB · 46002 · Valencia · Tel. 961 135 180 · Fax. 961 135 181
Horario de Atención: De lunes a jueves de 10:00 a 14:00 y de 16:00 a 20:00 y viernes de 10:00 a 14:00